Community Sourcing
Hey guys, Travis Carelock here, Content Director at Black Hat. We're gearing up for onsite deployment at Caesars for the USA show and I was just wondering - do you have any burning questions for the former executive assistant director of the FBI? Say, a man with a 24-year service record at the department, who among other things, led the effort to establish the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force?
Or alternatively, maybe you'd care to query a world-renowned historical and science fiction author on his methods and ideas? Yes?
Well, funny thing. Over the next two weeks Black Hat is crowd-sourcing questions for both Shawn Henry and Neal Stephenson, the two towering figures who'll be delivering the keynotes at Black Hat USA 2012. We'll take your suggestions and answer as many as possible live on stage in Las Vegas. This week we are taking questions for Shawn Henry. Check out Black Hat GM, Trey Ford's <Action Requested> Discussion.
Shawn Henry is the former FBI Executive Assistant Director (EAD) he had responsibility for all criminal and cyber programs and investigations worldwide, as well as international operations and the FBI's critical incident response.
More here:
Shawn's presentation, "Changing the Security Paradigm…Taking Back Your Network and Bringing Pain to the Adversary" is taking place July 25.
More here:
Then next week, starting Monday July 16th, we will begin taking questions for Neal Stephenson.
Mr Stephenson is the author of the three-volume historical epic "The Baroque Cycle" (Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World) and the novels Cryptonomicon,The Diamond Age, Snow Crash, and Zodiac.
More here:
In addition, Black Hat is very proud to announce Brian Krebs will serve as interviewer for Neal Stephenson's keynote. Mr. Krebs, a successful journalist and investigative reporter, is a fixture in the community and, with your help, will ask the questions that you've always wanted to.
Please join us on our Black Hat LinkedIn Group. There we will be collecting all your questions, comments, and suggestions. You can also email your questions to info at blackhat dot com. Don't miss your chance to take part in the conversation!