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Register Now
December 2-5, 2019
Excel London / United Kingdom

Pass Comparison Chart

Black Hat Europe 2019 is packed with opportunities for advancing your information security career and network. Choose from multiple hands-on Trainings, ground-breaking Briefings, cutting-edge Arsenal open-source tool demonstrations, security solutions in the Business Hall and more. Learn about the pass options and inclusions below:

Pass Types Trainings Only Pass Trainings & Briefings Pass Briefings Only Pass Business Pass
Access to a Trainings Course X X    
Access to Briefings   X X  
Access to Keynote X X X X
Access to Business Hall X X X X
Access to Arsenal Open-Source Tool Demos X X X X
Access to Business Hall Sessions X X X X
Access to Briefings Coffee Talks   X X  
Access to Cyber Insurance Talks X X X X
Access to Meet-Ups X X X X

If you have already registered for Black Hat Europe and wish to change your pass type to add a Trainings course of Briefings pass, please contact